NS-Parent Virtual Fair-Presenter: Alliance Française Halifax

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Round Table (in French): Languages in Daily and Family Life – Kate Ashley (CPF Nova Scotia), Carole Bonin (CASLT), Karim Amedjkouh (CSAP) and Barbard Abdelilah-Bauer (Author)

Alliance Française Halifax, in collaboration with the Embassy of France in Canada, Alliance Française Ottawa, Canadian Parents for French, CASLT and CSAP is organizing a round-table discussion and conference for the International Day of the Teacher of French (Journée internationale du professeur de français).


The goal is to inform, advise and answer the many questions that may ask within a multilingual and multinational household. Specialists will approach these questions from different angles, with their rich personal and professional experience, to offer you solutions and advice to your questions and thus help you in your daily life.


Parents, future parents, teachers, Francophones, Francophiles, multilinguals and monolinguals as well as anyone interested in linguistic and cultural issues are welcome to attend this day of exchange and learning.


For more info on the Parent Virtual Fair: https://ns.cpf.ca/en/parent-virtual-fair/

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