Salma Khattab joins the Canadian Parents for French, Nova Scotia Board of Directors

Halifax, Nova Scotia (September 29, 2021) –   Canadian Parents for French, Nova Scotia held their 44th Annual General Meeting on September 25, 2021. The conference was held virtually due to ongoing Public Health restrictions.

To kick-start the meeting Salma Khattab, 1st place winner of the 2021 Concours d’art oratoire at the provincial and National levels, spoke about her experience participating in the competition. She’s now a first-year Medical Sciences student who’s also pursuing a minor in French at Dalhousie University. During the AGM, Salma was nominated to join the board as a youth member, and she accepted. We are so happy to have her skills and experience on board!

Canadian Parents for French, Nova Scotia staff members: Rebecca Lancaster, Stacy Nadeau, Marina Turbide and Nicole Kabalen presented on programs and projects completed over the past year.  Although many activities for students were curtailed in 2020-2021, Canadian Parents for French, Nova Scotia developed new ways for students to become involved and new programs that were delivered virtually.

Tony Orlando, Past President was awarded French Second Language Champion of the Year. Tony’s passion for French led him to spend his career as a French Second language teacher and French consultant with the Annapolis Valley Regional School Board. Tony has held diverse roles such as member of the executive of the NS Language Teachers Association. He was also the editor of Réflexions, the newsletter for CASLT and a member of their National Council.

 Canadian Parents for French, Nova Scotia was honoured to have had him on the board for eight years, serving as Vice-President, President, Past President and Treasurer. He was also a past recipient of the Canadian Parents for French Volunteer of the Year award in 2018. Felicitations, Tony! Bien mérité!

Rima Majaess, a name who’s no stranger to Canadian Parents for French, Nova Scotia, was awarded French Second Language Educator of the Year. Rima was a French Second language teacher with the Halifax Regional Centre for Education for the past 38 years, and recently retired this past June. She has gone above and beyond with her students providing them with opportunities such as Français pour l’Avenir forums, the Model United National program in high schools, and the CPF Bilingual Career Exploration Day.

Rima has volunteered countless hours for multiple organizations, such as the Halifax Rotary Club, the NS Language Teachers’ Association, Alliance Française Halifax, Canadian Parents for French, and more! She has also dedicated her time to assist new English as a Second Language Students. Rima brings so much passion to everything she does. We wish you the best of luck in your retirement and are so proud of your accomplishments!

President Kate Ashley presented the slate of the Board of Directors to the members attending the Annual General Meeting.  Members at the Annual General Meeting voted in the slate as presented.  Joining President Kate Ashley are returning Directors Bailey Ross (Vice President), Maryse Truax (Treasurer), Guillaume Fleury (Secretary), Luc Tardif and Kiley Ross.  Leaving the Board at this meeting were Jan Claes (Past President) and Maria Rose.

CPF Nova Scotia AGM 2021